A Cat Named Roo - Part 2
In the previous article, I asked, "What does a sick cat have to do with podcasting?"
I talked about how we work with the information (and skill level) we have at the time, but once we know better (and are better), we're able to do better.
That's what gets us where we want to go.
Unfortunately, it's easy to coast based on past effort, kick back, and be comfortable. And when we do branch out, it's easy to return to what's comfortable when "the new plan" gets tough.
You see this all the time when a singer leaves a band to go solo, only to return for a "reunion" when the solo material doesn't do well. Or when a criminal goes legit, only to return to the "easy money" of his criminal ways.
I'm not making a judgment on this—I've been there. But my situation, as far as business, was sitting around living off royalties from past work and doing nothing to move forward, even though those royalty checks were getting smaller with every passing month.
You can do this for a while—I did it for about seven years. But all “good runs” end.
This may be where you are with your podcast. You started out great, with a good buzz around you, but now things are stale. You know you need to change what you're doing, but it's easier to show up and "phone it in" with new episodes and everything else.
Roo came home from the vet feeling better. The IV hydration worked. The B12 shots worked. He ran around the house, purring, eating, and feeling well.
If you saw him that day, you'd think everything was OK.
But there was still work to do—more steroids, more B12 shots, and additional medication, all of which had to be administered by either syringe or pill.
Have you ever tried to get a cat to swallow a pill? You basically have to wrap him up in a towel, like a burrito, pry his mouth open, somehow get a pill between his teeth as he's trying to bite you, praying he doesn't spit it out, because then you’ll have to do the whole process over again.
It's a bitch. But if you want your cat to live, you've got to do it.
The same is true for your podcast. If you want your podcast to live, you've got to do the work that it takes to create great episodes and get people to them.
Make it happen! And if you need help, reach out to me.