I had an old school radio guy I worked with who wanted me to do some IDs for his station.
I felt somewhat out of place. This guy had a classic radio voice, and I’d grown up listening to him.
He could have easily done IDs himself. Why did he come to me?
When I got in the studio with him the first thing he said was, "I'm glad you could do this. We want to showcase different voices on the station. Listeners need to hear different voices."
Why? Because "different" is what makes people pay attention. "Different" is what we find interesting.
How to Do This With Your Podcast
Voiceform allows you to post a question to Facebook (or anywhere else online) and immediately get voice responses from people which can be used for your podcast.
For example, let's say I post something like, "What model of microphone do you use and why?"
Rather than have people type out an answer and later read it on my podcast, I could send them to Voiceform, get a recording of them, and play that recording on an episode.
Note, you can also collect recordings from listeners via standard voicemail.
Doing this:
Showcases the fact that somebody listening isn't the only one—it's instant social proof.
Brings in "different" voices that keep listeners more engaged in my episode.
Keeps me (and you) on top of what listeners are doing, which helps to plan future episode content.
Good luck!