You find out if something works by doing it.
I love planning as much as the next guy and I think it’s important to be prepared, but when you’re starting a brand new podcast, sometimes the best thing you can do is get behind your mic and knock out a quick and dirty episode. This will give you far more information about what works and what doesn’t than anything you could do on paper.
Getting something on tape, even if it’s rough, will establish a baseline for your podcast. Progress is the goal, not perfection.
With each recording, you refine your message and delivery. You’ll learn which segments resonate with your audience and which could use some rethinking. You find your unique voice.
The only way to truly fail at podcasting is never to start at all. So grab your mic, hit record, and get going.
Agree! I just released my Season 3 Episode 1 today. I feel every new episode I do, is a new opportunity to reach my audience! I don't have big numbers but what I do have, is a natural growth that inspires me! ❤️