10 Podcasting Lessons in 282 Words
I've heard it said, and I've probably said it myself, "There are no rules in podcasting, only best practices." So I won’t call these rules, although you'll benefit a lot by following them as if they are.
1. Fly Your Flag - Let listeners know who you are. Authenticity is the glue of connection. But never tell people how "authentic and transparent" you are—show, don't tell.
2. Play Your Game - You’re in charge. You do business your way because that’s the only way for you to build something that has any credibility and substance.
3. Show Up Daily - Forward progress, even if it’s slow, will get you where you want to go. This doesn't mean you have to release a daily podcast, but "podcasting" doesn't end when you turn off your recorder and walk away from your mic.
4. Failure Is Data - ALL failure is data. There’s value in knowing what doesn’t work because it gives hints to what does work. You’re not failing if you’re moving forward.
5. Value Your Work - Unless the work you’re doing is a hobby funded by something else, you need to be compensated for doing it. This compensation doesn’t have to be money.
6. Action Trumps Perfection - The only way to get great at podcasting is to get behind a mic and make podcasts. Your podcast doesn't have to be "perfect" to connect with people and help them.
7. Audience Comes First - Your podcast isn't about you, even if the podcast is named after you.
8. Always Edit (Always!) - If something doesn't move an episode forward, edit it out. You're not that good on the mic and not that interesting.
9. Get Uncomfortable Daily - How do you get better? Take chances. If something doesn't work, see Lesson #4.
10. Take Full Responsibility - You're in charge, not guests or editors who may affect the quality of your show. Take ownership of problems, then fix them.